Lately I've been creating Community VR Gardens at the Best Buy Teen Tech Center, and at a Domestic Abuse Outreach Center with the Oculus Go. I'm able to bring VR right to the people where they are at -- emotionally and physically.
Outreach Center VR Garden
Mothers and teen daughters met together recently to have a Visiting Artist join a support group at a new Domestic Abuse Outreach Center. Located inside of a suburban mall, the community that gathered found a safe-space to try something new and grow better together. Each participant learned to navigate inside the Oculus Go by drawing something that belongs in a garden. The family and group members learned more about how to support each other and theor important part of being in a garden.
Growing Together: Teen Tech Center
I've been mentoring Raquel from the Teen Tech Tenter in VR. Raqui contributed to "Urban Edible Plants" at the Northern Spark Art Festival, and Better World Museum's exhibiton "Support Structures". Here she uses Tilt Brush with Oculus Rift and PaintVR in Oculus Go.
Teens Draw in VR